Friday, July 16, 2010

Six Months Later and What Do You Get?

Cheap and Cheerful's been operational, more or less, for six months now. Yet, the staff here feels that it may not be entirely clear as to what is, exactly, the subject of this blog.

Cheap and Cheerful is a project that seeks to emphasize living well with-in your means, or at least well enough! You can't buy Bollinger on a Budweiser budget (unless you know a guy or something, in which case, hook us up!), but there's got to be a way to make that cheap beer taste better, or at least ways to make it more enjoyable, right? RIGHT?

The idea for this blog was actually conceived last summer, after two weeks of traveling on an extreme budget. Despite the lack of funds, it ended up being a wonderful experience. Through some creativity, research, cash pooling, and the occasional favor, I spent two weeks visiting museums, parks, monuments, marginally famous thrift-stores and several fabulous bars and taverns in New York, Boston and Philadelphia. Following this tour of the Northeastern Corridor, I found myself...broke. Broke, but not too bummed out over this all-too familiar financial situation.

While far from thrilled, I alighted from the crowded, yet thankfully, air conditioned bus to the realization that: if I could make a couple hundred bucks take me a few hundred miles and keep me fed and sheltered for over two weeks, surely I could I figure out a way for a couple hundred a month to keep me entertained at home.

You can't keep up with the Jones-es on a budget, but through some research, some resourcefulness and the occasional D-I-Y effort you can find ways to keep yourself in things like new music, good food, and new clothes. While having some kind of funding for such indulgences helps, sometimes you can manage these little luxuries of life free of charge. We here at Cheap and Cheerful are convinced that you can have quite a lot of fun for very little money and we hope that you will stick with us and find out!


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